I'm a designer. My craft is creating human-oriented products and experiences that empower people and spark joy throughout.
Yesterday, I was at Expedia Group designing experiences that connected partner advertisers to travelers, bridging the gap and boosting brand visibility through engagements. Earlier, I created MAXEX's Next Generation platform for buying and selling mortgage loans. Before that, I worked at GTRI (Georgia Tech Research Institute) - CIPHER lab designing high-impact solutions to some of today's most challenging cybersecurity problems. I also turned revolutionary concepts and breakthrough technologies into practical capabilities to address future threats. All in all, I aimed to delight and inspire all users at every click in a personalized experience they value most.
I graduated in 2014 from Valdosta State University with my B.A. in fine arts with a concentration in digital design. Why digital design? Fueled by my love and appreciation of graphic design and fine arts and my nerdy curiosity to take part in a computer and put it back together - slightly improved- I defined the path towards becoming a user experience designer. My passion for learning and helping others drives me to continue the design path today.
Currently, I reside in Southeast Atlanta, GA, with my husband and 3 fur babies: Hayden (Yorkie), Prudence (Boxer Labrador-ish), and Jazz (Golden Retriever). Recently, I have been focusing on building my fine arts craftsman skills in a variety of mediums, along with broadening my knowledge and skills in the latest tech innovations using AI/ML products & tools. So many fun experimental ideas to tryout as a mixed medium! Also have been creatively cooking up some tasty branding for a local food truck service, "Dry Your Eyes, Inc.", along with supporting other ATL businesses on the side.
You can follow me here:
LinkedIn, and Behance
or reach out by email — jordansteele01@gmail.com